Influence Operations: News

This setion contains news updates in the area of Influence Operations.

  • Russian Information Operations and Proposed Measures – COVID 19 and beyond

    The claims and investigations in the foreign interference with the 2016 elections came as a great surprise. All of a sudden, the United States government and public have become aware of the possibility that foreign powers might use America’s greatest technological innovation, the Internet, against it. Fast forward five years later and we are now in the midst of a global pandemic which has wreaked havoc on the world’s economy and claimed millions of lives. A sliver of hope has emerged in the form of a series of vaccines which have begun to be distributed to front line workers and individuals at high risk. Yet, a disinformation campaign to undermine confidence in Pfizer Inc.’s and other Western vaccines has soon emerged. The US authorities claim that a coordinated online campaign on social media that questioned the vaccines’ development and safety might be instigated by Russian information operations agents. Continue >>>